
Conditions That Determine Your Car Insurance Premium

Car Insurance Renewal Online

Since car insurance is mandatory in India, you can’t run from it. Not only cars are expensive to buy, but its repairing could result in spending a lot of your money, especially when you don’t have a car insurance plan. Hence, vehicle insurance is a must. You can choose the best car insurance from different car insurance companies in India. We all want to avail the best car insurance online benefits from a lower car insurance premium. Therefore we all have a lot of questions regarding the factors that determine car insurance premium. So if you are also haunted by the same question, here are some of the conditions that determine the premium of your car insurance plan.
  • The Type of Car You Drive: The premiums of your car insurance pretty much depend on the type of your car you drive (i.e. the model of your car). Huge car insurance premium comes with an expensive car. That means you have to pay a comparatively higher premium for your motor insurance when you own an expensive SUV or luxury sedan.
  • Your Driving Records: Your driving records determine the premium of your car insurance plan in India. That means if you are a rash driver with bad driving records, you will most likely pay a higher premium for your motor insurance. Similarly, drivers with a clean record will have to pay considerably lower car insurance premium.
  • Your Location: Your location matters as far as the premium of your car insurance online plan is concerned. Hence, the registration zone of your car plays a great role in terms of determining the car insurance plan. Your vehicle insurance premium differs on the basis of the classification of different zones (i.e. Zone A & Zone B). You ’ll have to pay more on your car insurance premium if your area falls in a more vulnerable zone.
  • The Purpose of Your Car: Your car insurance premium also depends on the purpose of your car. The motor insurance premium varies depending on whether you have a commercial or private vehicle. Since a commercial vehicle is likely to be used more often than a private vehicle, its car insurance online premium is considerably higher.
  • Safety Features of Your Car: It is one of the most important factors that determine your car insurance premium. The safer your car is, the lesser car insurance premium you’ll enjoy. If your car is well-equipped with necessary safety features (e.g. airbags, anti-theft locks etc.), you will have to pay a considerably lower premium for your vehicle insurance plan.
  • Mileage of Your Car: The mileage of your car is one the prime factors which determine the premium of your car insurance. The more miles you cover with your vehicle, the more you’ll have to pay for your car insurance premium.
  • Your Age, Sex & Marital Status: Men who are under 25, unmarried, are considered to be more vulnerable to accidents and therefore, they’ll have to pay more on car insurance premium in India.
These are some of the conditions that determine car insurance online premium in India.


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