
5 Tips to Buy a Health Insurance Policy


Group Mediclaim Policy

Many diseases that were formerly considered critical have become relatively prevalent in today's world. As a result, the expense of medical procedures has risen, potentially depleting one's life savings. Hence, having a health insurance policy is now required to protect yourself from the financial strain of costly medical procedures.

Most companies provide their employees with a Group MedicalInsurance Plan that covers their dependents, such as parents and spouses. However, the coverage offered is not enough for everyone.

It is, therefore, recommended that you have a Mediclaim Plan in addition to your employer's GMC to protect you and your dependents against an unfavorable health condition.

But how can you figure out which health insurance plan is right for you?

Don't worry, we're here to assist you.

Read on to discover the 5 important suggestions you should be aware of before purchasing a Mediclaim Policy.

  • Coverage and Premium Amount: Based on your medical demands in the next years, you must compare and select a suitable health insurance plan. You must consider the sum insured that would appropriately protect you and your family when choosing a plan.
  • Similarly, you should look into how much of a premium you'll have to spend to get your preferred health insurance policy. Make sure you don't buy the lowest or cheapest plan you find because it might not be enough to fulfill your health insurance needs.
  • Waiting Period: Certain diseases or illnesses are subject to a waiting period in some medical insurance coverage. As a result, it's critical to examine the policy's waiting period to see if the illness is covered, especially if you have a pre-existing condition like diabetes. This will assist you in purchasing a plan that will protect you or your family in the event of an emergency.
  • Number of Dependents: When purchasing a medical insurance coverage, this is an important part to consider. Because the number of dependents that can be covered by a plan is restricted, you must decide whether you need one plan to cover everyone in your family or separate health insurance plans for selected older members of your family.
  • Network Hospitals: Certain network hospitals are affiliated with health insurance companies and provide cashless treatments. It is critical to review the list of network hospitals affiliated with the insurers from which you plan to purchase a mediclaim policy. Take a look at the ones in your area and make an informed decision.
  • Read the Fine Print: Most of us don't bother to study the mediclaim policy's "terms and conditions." We only realize how important it is when we file a claim and discover that our claim may be denied due to a clause that we overlooked at the time of purchasing the policy. To avoid a situation like this, it's best to study the fine print of a mediclaim policy carefully before deciding on one.


With rising stress levels, demanding schedules, and lifestyle difficulties, having a medical insurance coverage is becoming more of a necessity than a want. As a result, it's best to compare and select the mediclaim policy that best matches your health demands.

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