
The Significance of Having Car Insurance Policy in India

There is a lot more important of having the best car insurance policy than you can imagine. When it comes to the ultimate protection against all possible unforeseen ill-fated happenings from an accident involving your vehicle, you can’t rely on anything else than an ample...

How to Find the Best Car Insurance Plan in India?

A car has become a very important part of our life. We all work hard to save money to buy our dream car. The family time vacation to a place in your car is incomparable. With the purchase of a car, comes great responsibility such as its maintenance and protection against...

Conditions That Determine Your Car Insurance Premium

Since car insurance is mandatory in India, you can’t run from it. Not only cars are expensive to buy, but its repairing could result in spending a lot of your money, especially when you don’t have a car insurance plan. Hence, vehicle insurance is a must. You can choose...

What Are the Benefits of Online Car Insurance Renewal?

Car insurance renewal is an essential requirement for each and every motor vehicle in India. There was a time when you had to rush from one motor insurance agent to another in order to get the best car insurance renewal. You couldn’t choose as per your preference and you...

What to Do When Car Insurance Policy Lapses?

Getting car insurance online policy is the very first thing that you must consider after buying a vehicle. It is advisable to avoid cheap car insurance policies. We compare car insurance quotes of different car insurance companies online to get the best policy in terms...

Wondering Why Your Car Insurance Claim Got Rejected?

Nothing can be worse than the rejection of your car insurance claim especially when you are in need. It’s not uncommon for car insurance companies in India to deny your car insurance claim. You have to be careful about some specific aspects while filing a claim against...

Everything You Need to Know About Commercial Auto Insurance Policy

What is Commercial Auto Insurance Policy? Commercial vehicle insurance in India is basically protection against physical damage and liability coverage for situations, amounts, and usages that are not covered under a personal auto insurance policy. Since the difference...

What Can Be the Right Way of Choosing the Best Car Insurance Online Policy in India?

Right Way of Choosing the Best Car Insurance Online As per the Motor Vehicle Act 1988 in India, if you own a car, it is necessary to have a third party car insurance plan. But apart from the legal compulsion, after purchasing a new car, you need to make some safeguard...

What Does a Car Insurance Policy Cover?

Most of the people in India spend a lot of time researching while purchasing a new car since they want to ensure that their selection of the vehicle is flawless. But when it comes to car insurance, most of the car owners don’t spare a single thought. However, it is not...

Some Quintessential Car Insurance Add-on Covers that You Should Consider

Even a comprehensive car insurance policy doesn’t cover all types of losses. Furthermore, your comprehensive car insurance will not pay you the full amount of your car if it gets stolen either. The limitation of comprehensive car insurance online policies doesn’t end...

Commercial Auto Insurance: The Ultimate Protection for Your Transport Business

Just like private vehicles, commercial vehicles also play a considerable role in our daily life. Be it a truck engaged in transporting valuable goods or a taxi engaged in transferring customers from one place to another on a fare-paying basis, all commercial vehicles...

Major Car Insurance Terms You Should Know

Most of the car-owners in India purchase a car insurance policy just because they have to. There are barely any car-owners around with a real interest in the nitty-gritty's of car insurance policies. But such types of lack of awareness about car insurance can prove to be...

Some of the Best Car Insurance Companies in India

The exclusive purpose of a car insurance company is to provide its customers the best car insurance plans that are unique in terms of feature and coverage and protect their vehicle from any unforeseen events such as accident, fire, disaster, impact with animal and so on....

Commercial Auto Insurance Coverage in India

Commercial Auto Insurance Coverage Commercial vehicles are responsible for putting in a lot of strenuous work. Nonstop functioning of these vehicles on a regular basis put them into certain risks such as accidents and natural calamities. Since these vehicles are engaged...

Everything You Need to Know About Third Party Car Insurance

There are two types of car insurance policies in India namely third party car insurance and comprehensive car insurance. Third party liability only policy is mandatory as per the Motor Vehicles Act 1988. All vehicles owners must have third party insurance in order legally...

What Does Commercial Vehicle Insurance Policy Cover?

Commercial Vehicle Insurance Policy Cover If truth be told, commercial vehicles have undoubtedly more value and importance in our lives than private cars when it is judged from the diverse point of view. Commercial vehicles serve as the means of transportation as well...

A Number of Things to Keep in Mind While Buying Health Insurance in India

Few Things to Keep in Mind While Buying Health Insurance in India Given that there are a plethora of firms selling health insurance policies in India, choosing the right health insurance policy can turn out to be a hard job. Apart from a range of mediclaim policies to...


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