
Car Protection Tips to Safeguard Your Vehicle This Diwali


Car Insurance

We're getting ready to celebrate the festival of light with a lot of pomp and ceremony, delicious food, and pleasant presents as it approaches. This is the time of year when we light candles to symbolize the enlightenment of the soul and the triumph of good over evil.

Diwali is the festival of lights, which is celebrated with great zeal. This event brings joy and provides an excuse for social gatherings. Fireworks, on the other hand, is an essential part of the Diwali celebration. Most people take safety precautions for themselves, but frequently overlook their vehicle's protection.

If you don't take precautions, the firecrackers may cause harm to your vehicle, ruining the party spirit. It is entirely up to you to take the best possible care of your vehicle. As a result, it is recommended that you park your car in a covered place, keep windows closed, and take other precautions to avoid such unpleasant situations. Most significantly, make sure you have an active comprehensive car insurance policy to alleviate the stress of financial loss during Diwali. If your car insurance coverage is about to expire, Diwali is an excellent time to renew it. Now let's look at safety advice for keeping your car safe during Diwali.

Park your vehicle in a covered parking lot

During Diwali, there are many fireworks in the sky; children in the society compound or on the road like playing with crackers, which can cause external damage to parked cars. Furthermore, fireworks leftovers might cause a fire, resulting in disasters such as bursts or substantial damage to your vehicle. As a result, you should not take any chances and park your automobile in a basement or other enclosed place away from fireworks.

Avoid using a car body cover

Many individuals use body covers to protect their cars from dust. However, you should avoid doing so around Diwali because these covers are not fireproof and are prone to catching fire. Any firecracker or blazing rocket that comes into touch with the automobile body cover might cause a serious fire, which can severely damage your vehicle.

Keep the windows of your car closed

When you're parked or on the road, make sure the car windows are closed. The inside of cars is flammable and can readily catch fire if a firework approaches the vehicle. Keeping the windows shut reduces the risk of catching fire by preventing fireworks from entering the car.

Always have a portable fire extinguisher with you

Car owners should maintain portable fire extinguishers in their vehicles as a precaution. This can help you avoid a serious mishap. A fire extinguisher can also come in helpful if your car catches fire for whatever reason, preventing damage or injuries.

Stay alert while driving

Stay thoroughly aware of your surroundings while driving during Diwali. Keep an eye out for persons who are setting off firecrackers near you, as this might cause confusion and lead to an accident. Most importantly, make sure your vehicle's fuel pipe is kept at a safe distance from any nearby firecrackers.

Do not mix drinking and driving

Many folks drink to commemorate the happy occasion with their pals. Make sure you don't drink alcohol before driving during Diwali, as you won't be able to keep focused on the road and could be risky. Furthermore, drinking and driving are unlawful, and you will be unable to file a claim for damages to your vehicle under your car insurance policy.

Keep a first-aid kit in your car

Crackers can cause severe burns and accidents. As a result, it's a good idea to keep a first-aid kit box in the car in case you get harmed or suffer burns from firecrackers. Playing with firecrackers should be done in an open environment with plenty of open space. You should be concerned for the safety of yourself and your loved ones, as well as ensure that your celebration does not harm others in society.

Final words

Driving has a certain amount of risk, especially when traveling great distances in uncharted territory. Road accidents are on the rise at an alarming rate, and repair shops aren't always easy to find. In such a situation, a great deal of thought and preparation is required in order to plan a safe and worry-free road journey.

Your vehicle's safety should always be a top priority. Even if you're in the mood to party around Diwali, make sure you take all necessary precautions to protect your vehicle. Even a small amount of irresponsibility can result in serious consequences, such as having to pay for car damage. If your policy is about to expire, consider renewing it with GIBL.IN and enjoy attractive discounts on premium.


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